A pandemic is more than just a medical problem: After the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic – for the first time in history – people watched in real time, during a staccato of reporting, how a virus pandemic was developing. They hoped to fight the virus just as quickly and at the same time they feared for their own existence, healthwise and economically. Politics, business and science were trying to provide answers, even if they could not fully assess the health or economic effects of the pandemic and the measures taken to combat it.
Communication plays a crucial role during a pandemic: A clear distinction must be made between knowledge, semi-knowledge and ignorance. In addition, social security and services of general interest are of great importance when dealing with a pandemic. They alleviate existential fears, secure livelihoods and help to prevent social inequalities from being amplified by the pandemic.
... in early 2007 I was interviewed about pandemics and pandemic contingency planning. Today I'd ex-press myself almost identically.
2020 in the first year of the Covid-19-pandemic, I was available as a sparring partner for the media, advised non-profit organisations and published on fundamental issues:
... on 6 June 2020, a short essay in the Rotary District 2000 Online Governor Newsletter entitled
Covid-19 Pandemie – Psycho-soziale Aspekte und harte Fakten (i.e. Covid-19 pandemic - psycho-social aspects and hard facts):
... in the second half of 2020 the treatises
Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik – gleichwertige Pfeiler bei der Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie (i.e. Health and social policies – equal pillars in the management of the COVID 19 pandemic)
in: Pro Alter. Selbstbestimmt älter werden, Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe, Nr. 3, Heidelberg 2020,
p. 20-22
Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik in Zeiten von Covid-19 ( i.e Health and Social Policy in Times of Covid-19)
in: ZögU Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemein-wirtschaftliche Unternehmen, Heft 3, Baden-Baden,
p. 267 - 281
... and as an example of my advising work, an excerpt from a pro bono expert opinion for political decision-makers on, among other things, the question of whether there are reasonable alternatives to the complete closure of nursing homes in times of a pandemic